MAD(Not crazy !)

MAD(Not crazy!)

The reason why God put us in these world is stated in Matthew 6.

That is to go to MAD( Make a difference ). We Sway peoples to the kingdome of our lord not by many talk but by the quality of our life. One of the way that we can make a difference is by being unique.

What is the thing that make u different from other(Ur sweet spot)? Work on that coz peoples are attracted not to the common thing but for something Unique. U become valuable not because u r tough or smarter than others but by ur Uniqueness .In fact in economics value of some thing is determined by how much rare it is. You see in terms of use water is far more important than Gold,but we spend Considerable amount of money for Gold rather than Water. Why? Even though water is one of the item that we can't live without we never give little attention to it coz it is common everywhere ..... On the other hand we give more attention to gold that add nothing to our live.Why? Coz we can't find it everywhere(❝Surely there is a vein for the silver, and a place for gold where they fine it.❞

—Job 28: 1 (KJV)

So be unique. We r destined to be different not conform to these word (Rome12).As mater of fact Conformity is the jailer of satisfaction and enemy of our Growth. "It is better to fail in originality than to succeeded in imitation" Herman Melville .

U can't reach ur destiny by taking another persons road.One of the reason i love Paul is He Dare to be different(unique) apostle.He said ❝(For he that wrought effectually in Peter to the apostleship of the circumcision, the same was mighty in me toward the Gentiles:)❞

—Galatians 2: 8 (KJV)

Apostles Paul considered himself as equal with other apostles(Gal2:6).Frank Gilbine state well of this " Be yourself who else is better qualified"

We can't compare thing out of the ideal environment(I will wright what environment mean very soon).Locomotive is strong on the truck but weak anywhere else. The same is true for us .

Dear Sister u r unprecedented miracle.You're as God made you,and since He's satisfied ,u should be too. I like what John Mason said "When ur trying to be like some else ,the best u can ever be is Number two".Wow it is true! Imitation is effective to become our self only if we follow Jesus ,any thing else will distract ur identity.

"Don't let the world around u squeeze u into its own mold ,but let God remake u so that ur whole attitude of mind changed"Rome 12:2

Abenezer Ayalew

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Abenezer is gratuate in Elecrical and computer Engineering and he do have another degree from theological degree Majored in Biblical Theology. Besides these Abenezer is author and part Time Theology School Teacher.